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Doula/Lactation Support/Postnatal Body Care

Nurturing your confidence and empowering moments for your magical journey. 

For Pre-conception & Pregnancy Fitness.
For Smoother Birth.
For Forming A Village.
For Your Postpartum Mental Health.

Did you know that dancing can help optimize your pregnancy and birth experience? 
Studies who that
dancing can significantly reduce pain and fear during active labor.  Being upright in labor and birth increases the space within the pelvis by 30%, which leads to an optimal fetal positioning for a smoother birth. Dancing with your baby in a carrier once you are out of your first 6-8 weeks can help bonding and can reduce baby's fussiness that is at its height. Most of all, it's  your mood and confidence booster.  When you feel anxious or down, movement with good breathing can help improve your mental health which is crucial for parenting.  

No bellydance experience is necessary! Got two left feet? No problem! You dance for yourself and don't worry about how you look. Just have fun and celebrate your transformative journey.

We use lots of Middle Eastern /Oriental dance inspired movements as well as relaxation, affirmations, and discuss childbirth education tips. Come in with comfy clothes. If you have a baby already, babywearing is recommended.

Find out more about Dancing For Birth ™ method at:

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